"Notes on 'Camp'." A Susan Sontag Reader. 1st ed, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.Sontag, Susan. Reading Rocky Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture.
Music: Song: "Rose Tint My World"Artist: Rocky Horror Show Original London Cast (1973) Album: The Rocky Horror ShowLicensed to YouTube byKobalt (AWAL Digital Limited) (on behalf of Revvolution Records) Wixen Music Publishing, Inc., PEDL, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., Warner Chappell, and 3 Music Rights Societies Cited: Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew, editor. Reading Rocky Horror Its Just a Jump to the Left: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture J.A.Weinstock ROCKY HORROR AND GENRE Drinking those moments when: The Use (and Abuse) of Late Night Double Feature Science Fiction and Hollywood Icons in The Rocky Horror Picture Show S. Is Rocky Horror a good movie without audience participation? What's the difference between Rocky Horror, Showgirls, and The Room? Are they all equally campy and queer cult films? What makes a good cult film? Join Kinda Kyle and Roxanne as they answer none of these questions and take shots of Dr.
Kinda Kyle (Asshole!) and guest host Roxanne (Slut!) discuss The Rocky Horror Picture Show, cult films, camp, and queerness.